Hi, I’m Joshua O’Connell LMT. My mission is to help you live your life to the fullest and not be tied down with body aches and pains. Massage benefits everybody because we all have different triggers and stressors. I grew up with scoliosis and massage made the biggest difference. So after receiving such amazing results I went abroad to study massage therapy. I believe my calling is to help others be everything they are supposed to be and something so gentle yet powerful as massage therapy is a great way to do that. I look forward to helping you feel your best!
Silver Client
- 6 Massages
- A $360 Value
Gold Client
- 8 Massages
- 8 Infrared Saunas
- One 15-minute
- Consult with Dr. Ray
- A $900 value
Preferred Client
- 10 Massages – may be shared with spouse
- 10 Infrared Saunas – at 15 minutes each
- TWO 15-minute consults with Dr. Ray
- Copy of Dr. Ray’s book, reports and special new debut items!
- An $1100 value
The Health Benefits of Massage Therapy
Massage is a treat and it feels great, but did you know that massage therapy gives you amazing health benefits too? So much so that massage therapy is now part of the integrative medical care at the Mayo Clinic!
Here is a list of 25 ways massage therapy can improve your health from the American Massage Therapy Association: