I want to talk about “getting back to it” because that’s been the theme of the month for August. I know a lot of us are concerned about being back in socializing situations and how we should behave and what we should be doing. Now we’re finding there’s a lot of conflicting information out there for socializing and opening up.

Hand sanitizers are good, hand sanitizers are bad, wear your mask, don’t wear your mask. You can wear your mask, but you have to take it off to do this or that.
If you’re one of those people that are confused about what you should or shouldn’t be doing, that’s okay. You are not alone! There’s so much conflicting evidence, even for those of us that read a lot of technical stuff, and we are constantly reading information and thinking “if this is this and that is that, then why is this?” It is confusing.

I want to extend this offer to you. If you’re confused and want a little more information, or if you want to talk to somebody about it, guess what? I’m here for you, so go ahead and private message me on the Olive Branch Wellness Facebook page. There are a lot of strange rules about socialization now that are okay in some places, but not okay in others. If you can’t figure it out and you’re concerned because you don’t want to bring something home to who might have autoimmune issues or someone who’s older with compromised health, that’s okay. That’s what we’re here for. Let us help you walk through this because as we begin to open up to more socialization, we don’t want things to get closed down quickly because protocol isn’t being followed.
Of course, none of us wants to transfer this; nobody wants to give it to anybody else. So if you have questions, comments, criticisms, or witticisms, we’re still here for you. In the meantime, I would like to say that, yes; you need to wear your mask in the places that you are required to wear a mask.

Remember that washing your hands is always the best. I know we carry a lot of hand sanitizers and things like that with us in case we can’t wash our hands. But there’s been some recalls on some of those, so make sure you’re paying attention. I would encourage you to get some baby wipes or something like that and keep them with you. Maybe put them in a little pouch in your purse or your glove box in your car so they’re readily available when you need them.
I don’t want anyone walking around so scared that they don’t know what to do, so give my office a call or private message me. You can also email me here (ray@olivebwc.com ) if you have questions and want real answers. I’ll do my best to make sure you are comfortable, you know where you’re going and what you’re doing so you can socialize…. Well, sort of, right ?
To your health! I hope your week is fabulous.